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Allergy SOLve


Available in 2 oz and 4 oz dropper bottles.

Stem & Leaf’s Allergy SOLve (formerly Goldenrod Allergy-Away) is the perfect, natural remedy for seasonal, outdoor, and indoor allergies. It is safe to take throughout the day to relieve sinus congestion, sinus headaches, and brain fog from allergies and more! It can even be used to relieve symptoms of mild food sensitivities.


Goldenrod is the unsung hero of allergy relief, often taking the blame for causing allergies because it grows alongside ragweed (most often the true culprit). Goldenrod, being so showy is much more noticeable than ragweed and it often identified first. In nature, we often see plants that cause an ailment and plants that alleviate that ailment growing together – Goldenrod and ragweed are two such plants. In truth, only an extremely small number of people are truly allergic to goldenrod. They are in the same family as daisy’s (so many plants are) so, if you’re allergic to any of the asteraceae’s, you might also be allergic to goldenrod.

Ingredients: Goldenrod and stinging nettle extract (wildcrafted goldenrod (solidago), organic stinging nettle, grain alcohol, water), Histamine 30C HPUS, Alium cepa 200cc HPUS.

To use: Sucuss to activate by tapping on palm of hand 8-10 times. Add 1/2 dropperful to water and drink. Take every 3-4 hours, as needed.

Size/Wholesale Qty

2oz/Per item, 2oz/6 count, 2oz/12 count, 4oz/Per item, 4oz/6 count, 4oz/12 count