To purchase from the wholesale store, you must have a valid account. Orders from those who do not have an account on record with us will be cancelled and you will not be charged. 

To set up a wholesale account:

Email to initiate set up. Include your business name and location, type of business, and a copy of a valid and updated resale certificate.

Itch Eraser


A must-have for any Natural Medicine Cabinet! Simply apply to bug bites, poison ivy outbreaks, or rashes from gardening to get itch relief and to speed healing.

10ml Roll-on.

A base of organic coconut MCT oil infused with itch-stopping, rash-clearing, skin-healing calendula, plantain, and yarrow, along with lavender, cedarwood, peppermint, helichrysum, and lemongrass essential oils. All ingredients are organic.

Wholesale Qty

Per each, 6 count, 12 count