To purchase from the wholesale store, you must have a valid account. Orders from those who do not have an account on record with us will be cancelled and you will not be charged. 

To set up a wholesale account:

Email to initiate set up. Include your business name and location, type of business, and a copy of a valid and updated resale certificate.



Kid Approved!

Silver is known for it’s antiseptic properties. At 70ppm, it is safe for external use and begins to act immediately to disinfect wounds, skin and surfaces.

Available in 2 oz spray bottles and 16 oz refill bottles.

Ingredients: 70ppm colloidal and ionic silver in distilled water.

To Use: Spray liberally over any wounds, including cuts, scrapes, scratches and burns. Gently wipe off excess and allow to dry. Bandage as needed. Reapply as often as needed to maintain cleanliness.

*Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnosis, treat or cure any disease or illness. At Stem & Leaf, we believe we are our own best advocates and that health is not only a right but a personal responsibility.

Size/Wholesale Qty

2oz Spray/Per item, 2oz Spray/6 count, 2oz Spray/12 count, 16oz refill/Per item, 16oz refill/4 count, 16oz refill/6 count